Cloud Computing: an Innovative and Necessary Technology

Reading time: 5 minutes

Cloud Computing

Decades ago, only one type of cloud existed: the ones that we see every day in the sky. They are composed of many water droplets, although we cannot touch them, except when it rains. Well, we now know that it is not the only type of cloud that exists. 

There is another kind of cloud that has become indispensable in our lives. These clouds have no water, but they can store millions of files that you can access in the blink of an eye. It’s Cloud Computing.  

Cloud Computing: a renewing virtual concept

Have you ever thought about today’s working methods? For example, if you have worked in an office for the last few years, you know that paper documents are no longer necessary. Everything is digitized. However, that’s not all: everything is also connected.

Until a few years ago, the only way to link files between different users was through dubious downloads (without previews), disks, or USB ports. You know how uncomfortable it was to work like that. How many people lost a disk with valuable information and put a company’s projects at risk?

Well, none of this needs to happen today. Thanks to cloud computing, millions of documents can be open on thousands of devices simultaneously, without the need for disks, USBs, or additional downloads. Everything is “in the cloud,” just waiting for you to view or download it. 

This technology makes it possible to decouple hardware from software. Users can then access them digitally without having to be in physical contact with the files since they are not stored on the computer but remotely in a network (cloud).

Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Not all Cloud Computing services are the same. There are three different types:

  • Public cloud service. There is a cloud provider that generates resources for all individuals and organizations that request it. That is, for free, you can access a service to host files remotely. The most common one is Google Drive, but there is also Google Photos and iCloud.
  • Private cloud service. Here, the cloud provider implements and configures the network specifically for an entity. This typically occurs in large companies that work in the cloud and need customized systems due to the large amount of data they contain. 
  • Hybrid cloud service. It’s a combination of public and private systems. Some of the services and information may be offered publicly, while other information is provided privately. Some countries in the world use mixed cloud servers. In this way, they offer people access to different (public) data. However, there are records that they cannot view or modify (private). 

Key Benefits of Cloud Computing

Here are the main benefits of Cloud Computing:

  • Remote connection and mobility. This means that the storage will be external. That is, you won’t waste space on your hard drive. At the same time, you’ll be able to access all those files online, no matter the device or where you are. For example, this is essential for teams that work remotely and need to share files constantly. 
  • Advanced security. Many companies use the cloud to back up data. For example, if they lose information from a computer, they know that they will have a backup available at any time. Moreover, the Cloud infrastructure is secure enough to ensure the privacy of your data. 
  • On-demand service. Cloud Computing is self-service. This means that it is available to all users who can control the uploading and management of files. In other words, all users have to manage the digital resources unless they delegate this task to someone else.   
  • Scalability. This situation means that it is a tailor-made service based on the needs of each user or company. In other words, Cloud Computing can grow in infrastructure according to resources and needs. For example, this situation can be seen in startups that succeed and grow into large companies. When you have a bigger budget, your needs change. A cloud service will allow a good job, both in the initial stage and when the company gets stronger. 
  • Cost savings. Using cloud infrastructure saves money. For example, you won’t have to make costly investments in equipment to store large volumes of information. With a good cloud provider, you will have the essential data to maintain your business. In addition, you will avoid any data loss due to hardware problems. 

Cloud Computing Applications

Cloud Computing

Here are some of the most popular cloud computing applications:

  • Backup copies. It means being able to host different files in a cloud, to have them available in case of any eventuality. A popular example is Dropbox, which you can take advantage of to back up the data you have on your computer. 
  • Business management. This application can be seen with different work boards, where you can manage some projects in a 100% virtual way. One of the most famous examples is Trello, which is perfect for uploading files, dividing tasks, and evaluating the status of each activity. 
  • Streaming services. Many of the big companies that offer streaming content have also migrated to the cloud. This is the case with Spotify or Netflix, which migrated to different servers to host all their content (Google Cloud Services and Amazon Web Services, respectively). As a result, users can play and even download music and videos instantly. 

The Importance of Cloud Computing in Businesses

All companies should opt for this technology to improve their services. We have already seen how it has improved our work routine. So why not take this service to the next level?

First of all, it will be a real investment, as it will improve security, communication, and connection to all the relevant files in a company. Also, it will enhance the productivity of a company, whether large or small. Work processes will be much more agile if you keep everything connected through the network. 

Forget about lost paperwork, connection problems, or deleted files. Everything will be there, ready for your team to see. This way, everyone will be better connected and have the information available at all times. 

This is why Cloud Computing is considered the fourth industrial revolution, which will allow many companies to improve their performance. 

Now that you know all about Cloud Computing, we invite you to continue reading the content of our blog. You will learn a lot about other aspects of software development. We are waiting for you!

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