Let’s go Gridfurther: CSS Grid Layout is a two-dimensional grid-based layout system that sheerly changed the way we design UIs in software.

Acceptance criteria provide clear and measurable definitions when a feature or user story is considered complete.

Learn more about how Flexbox, the CSS layout model, has become popular in creating responsive and complex web layouts.

In sales in software development, outbound refers to a sales approach where Client Partnership Analyst reach out to potential…

Machine learning and deep learning have become a high-frequency word within the IT industry. When it comes to engineering…

The Moral Compass of Robo-ethics When it comes to artificial intelligence and robotics, the concept of ethics takes center…

Let’s go over the definition of DevOps, a short for “Development” and “Operations,” is a set of practices, principles,…

Frontend frameworks are key elements that you need to know, use and understand to become a top-notch developer. But…